Why Supporting Small Business is So Important

When you shop from a small business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third home. 
You are helping a little girl take dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom or dad put food on the table, a family pay a mortgage, or a student pay for college.
{*And in our case, a little bit of all of those, plus help sustain our family farms
where we strive to keep agriculture alive!}

Our customers are our shareholders and they are the ones we strive to make happy. 
Thank you for supporting small business.

We wanted to share a little about how there is a ripple effect when you make the decision to buy soap from our company.  You are supporting so many individuals as it not only is reinvested into our business and farms, but every component of keeping Sparrow Soaps successful.
We purchase our hay from local folks who rely on the unpredictable weather and conditions, especially in New England,  to have a profitable year.  Farming is such a rewarding lifestyle, but it's not for the easily discouraged or faint hearted.  They say that once in a lifetime you might need a doctor, lawyer, or a policemen.  But everyday, at least three times a day, you need a farmer.

We also purchase our grain for the goats in bulk from local feed stores.  These are all family-owned as well.  When we order our grain by the ton, it helps them meet their minimums with the larger feed companies.

Our soap labels are made by Chase Graphics in Putnam, another family business. They are super folks who cater to all our last minute "need it yesterday" orders! 


Our latest blessing and venture is our soaps are now offered at Runnings, which is large chain of 44 stores, yet still owned by family as well.  The majority of their stores are in the Midwest, but they have three stores in the Northeast, with a new one opening in Putnam, CT.  Our soaps are there for a trial basis with the hopes of expanding into some (maybe all) of their stores throughout the US.  This amazing opportunity required us to have UPC codes on the labels, so yet another local family business and friends, Gagnon Sign, provided us with quality professional labels for them in lightening speed time.  Our sign displayed was made by another local artist, Jennifer from The Funki Little Frog.

All of these small businesses are people who have families and are proud to be providing for them with their talents and gifts.  They, like us, believed in themselves and took the risk of starting a business.  Sue and I created this business with just a few hundred dollars of supplies and a vision to provide an awesome quality product that people can feel good about using on themselves and their families.  We are so fortunate to have our business grow without any loans or grants, just making smart decisions with reinvesting the profits, hard work and the most important factor, keeping God first.  We rely entirely on His wisdom and guidance. He has opened so many doors that have always taken us up a new level..and closed a few as well!  So we are excited to see what new levels He will be taking us to and can't wait to take you all with us.

As our way of thanking everyone for their continued support, we have a no strings attached coupon code that is valid all weekend for $5 off any order.  Use SHOPSMALL at checkout!  *offer valid until midnight 6.10.18, cannot be combined with any other offer.

Enjoy and thanks again!

Peace, love and goats~

Michelle LyonComment