350 Kennedy Drive

Putnam CT 06239

we are pinching ourselves and our hearts are filled with gratitude 💙

we now have our own storefront in the quaint town of Putnam, CT

come smell the soaps, sample our lotions and browse around to see the unique items we have to offer

we are bringing back the old school way of being able to come to a boutique and have a complimentary gift box made up for you

we couldn’t have gotten here without the encouragement and help from our family and friends AND the loyalty of you all who have continued to support our dream

…and the most important *thank you* is to God who put this dream in our hearts; to take our business and mission to the next level; not only connecting with folks all across the country online and social media…but now a tangible space to meet with folks face to face and spark some extra joy in their day.

friends, most dreams are from The Lord ….think of the word “desire”. In Latin, desire means “of the Father.” When you desire something, you are connecting with God and He is connecting with you. Those dreams in your heart are from Him and if/when it is His will, they will come to fruition.

so never stop praying and dreaming because when the time is right, God will open doors and guide the way!


Wed 10-4
Thursday 10-4
Friday 10-4
Saturday 10-2
Sunday 10-2

Mondays & Tues {closed}
we reserve these two days for family, doctors’ appts. etc but usually will be in the store for production and orders; so if the flag is out, come on in :)